Monday, January 19, 2009

The time to takes to type this post

Will be about as long as I had to ride last night. However in that short amount of time, I simulated the simulation of the 6.2 mile computrainer course.

1. Beat my previous best time by 4 seconds
2. Season high 5 minute power average
3. Season high 15 minute power average
4. Obscurely low heart rate average (15 beats lower than normal)


Dobovedo said...

Either you rode that 10k in record time or you t y p e   r  e  a  l  l  y    s    l     o     w.

Interesting you're seeing the same HR anomolies I am. Maybe we're hibernating due to sub-zero temps?

Bryan Hellard said...

I don't know what the heart rate issue was. Lately, I've been seeing up to 195bpm where my LT HR was 183-185 last year. The other day, my average was 174 on my TT test.