Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Make or break

Next year is going to be a make or break year for racing. It's pretty apparent that I've been able to skate through the 30-39 age group relatively unscathed. The 40-49 won't be as easy and starting January 1st, I am 40 years old as far as USA Cycling is concerned. Whether it's the local events or the higher caliber ones, the 40+ guys can ride.

Here is a partial hit list of 40-49 locals who eat me up, and if I forget someone, don't worry, you'll kick my ass soon enough!:
Francis Manfred
Peter Wimberg
Mike Abney
Vince Clune
Shayne Dillinger
Todd Woehler
Kurt Spoerle
Jamie Raddin

The first two guys on the list are regular 27-28mph guys and it doesn't get easier from there.

So now that I'll be forced to "cat up" in age group, it will put quite a bit of pressure on me to keep working on power (AND THAT STUPID POWER TO WEIGHT RATIO) over the winter. The power and my position are cool, but it's the whole w/kg that needs work. Luckily, good lord willing and creek don't rise, the days of sitting in the car for 2+ hours per day are nearing a close. Trading an hour car commute (on a good day, it's been a three hour one way drive before) for a 15 minute BIKE commute should help me mentally and physically. If it doesn't, well that's something best left for professionals to handle. Maybe then I can get back to riding a little more than two to three days per week. It's put an awful strain on my brain and my waistband.


gregclimbs said...

@ 40yo, you can technically race down in the 35+ group. Although this is typically considered doing the harder race ;)


Unknown said...

Well, damn, I thought we'd have something for a year or two. I move into the 30 racing age for 2010^shudders to think about it^.