Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Half year review

Happy July? It's cold out...

This is just a small review of the half season that it's been.

Mileage wise, I am way off the pace. Due to everything that's been going on I just haven't had the time or energy to put as many miles on as I would like. Right now, I'm at 3,154.91 for the year.

Running half year totals:
2009 - 3,154.91
2008 - 4,013.80
2007 - 3,769.5
2006 - 4089.47
2005 - 4,455.07

On the road racing front, I've been complete crap. Six races - 3 dnf, 2 last places and 21st place out of 25.

Time trials on the other hand have been going well. A nice way to start the year was winning the series of indoor TT's for my age group. In 12 outdoor time trials, I have 6 wins, two 2nds, two 4ths and two 5ths. My new position, skinsuit, shoe covers and front wheel have made up the difference of my declining health, training and increasing weight.

So that makes 21 races right now. With the potential addition of cross races and the rest of the season's time trials, I should have a decent number of races by year's end. That's not even counting crits, as I'll do a couple of them for fun.

In the meantime, I'll keep plugging away trying to get dropped less and less on group rides, try to get my TT speed up and work on the weight.

1 comment:

Craig " Egg " Carroll said...

Keep it up man. Great ride tonight!!