Monday, December 3, 2007

2.5 weeks in...

That ended my 2nd full week back. Low in volume, but stupid in intensity.

Tuesday I took 30-some seconds off my 6.4 mile time trial. It's 6.4 miles and change as measured by the powertap vs 6.2 on the RealAxiom....? I know the PT to be accurate, so ok. Anyway, the weekly time trial was 15:47, 24.4mph, 268 watt average, 170 heart rate average (low). I get to do this every week on Tuesday.

Not much else to talk about since 5 of my 6 rides last week were on the trainer. Due to the lack of a whole lot of riding time, I'm at least trying to make up for it in intensity. It seems like I'm on conference calls for hours every day. Sucks the wind right out of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. My biggest struggles are the draining work days then hauling my butt onto the trainer. Gotta put in the hard work now to reap the benefits next spring!