Saturday, October 25, 2008

If money were no object.

I want to try all different kinds of bike racing. Track, cross, MTB. Unfortunately, time and money prohibit this. Track looks the coolest, but the closest place to ride is 100 miles away and they are only open for a few months per year due to the weather. And of course, at the time of the year the track is open, I am busy with racing my other bikes and I don't own a track bike. Someday, I would love to take my TT bike and ride it around a track for an hour. Cross sounds like fun, in a brutal, hard sort of way. That being said, I don't have a cross bike so I would have to buy one. Then shoes. Then a scrub brush and soap to get clean before the drive home. I do have a mountain bike, if you can call it that. It's a 100 pound steel POS with lower than low end components that I bought to ride in the snow when I lived on the farm.

For the time being, I'll just keep throwing all available bike cash toward the time trial bike.

Blog posts get real boring when you spend too much time on the trainer. It's not like I'm going to detail the horrendously boring 90 minute ride I did today. I did wear my new shoes, so there's some excitement and used the new trainer yesterday and the day before. Maybe tomorrow I'll have something to write about.

1 comment:

Dobovedo said...

Before I started riding again, my lottery fantasies revolved around which, and how many, supercars I would buy.

Oddly, it hasn't changed from cars to bikes over the past few years, but rather... all the places I'd go to ride my bike(s). Since the price of one supercar buys a nearly limitless stable of top end bikes, I could simply say... "all of them!" and then put a cycling travel agent on salary.

guess I better vote for that casino bill...