Tuesday, January 13, 2009


For at least a year, I have had a message written on the dry erase board in my office. It says:

"If you never go 30mph, you'll never go 30mph"

I stared at that message for nearly an hour while I drummed out yet another set of intervals (3~5 minutes & 1~10 minutes). That got me thinking of not only killing myself but what should my 'goal' be for 2009. It's simple. Hard, but simple. My goal (wait for it) is to average 28.0 mph or better in a time trial this year.

There you go. I estimate that I'm going to have to put out 320 watts (when I get back down into the mid-160's in weight) to do this plus have favorable course and weather conditions. A tail wind couldn't hurt, but on an out and back course, that's probably not going to happen.

Maybe I should modify my sign.


Dobovedo said...

I think you should change it to,

"If you never go 48.3kph, you'll never go 48.3kph"

Bryan Hellard said...

Someone thinks he's a comedian (and failed)


Dobovedo said...

Really? Who?

Dobovedo said...

Now I think I'm an owl.

Craig " Egg " Carroll said...

Go for it Helldawg!!

I woke up yesterday and said, I'm going to ride the hardcore 100 again. 5+ hours later on the trainer, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! YEAH!!

Look forward to doing some TT's with ya this year!!


Coach Egg