Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gear 2009

No pictures yet as I've no idea where my camera is right now, but I finally took delivery of my 2009 team kit. While Champion Systems gear isn't for looooong term use, for season by season gear you really can't beat it.

This year's haul included:
Casual Jacket
Cyclocross skinsuit
short sleeve jersey

Probably the coolest (warmest) piece is the cross skinsuit. It's long sleeve and the whole thing minus the chamois is fleece. This will come in handy during the spring campaign.

The speedsuit, also long sleeve, is a new addition to CS's lineup. In various places it has a dimpled-esque material. No collar (the normal skinsuit has one) and no key pocket behind the neck. It's extremely light. We'll see if that along with everything else I've done translates into faster times this year.

The casual jacket is nice. It's not for riding as it's loose and has no back pockets. It will be nice for the pre race and post race fastivities (AKA standing in the registration line and hanging around the finish line)

All the gear is here, the bike is upgraded and finished, now all that's left is to ride it fast. Giddy up


Dobovedo said...

C'mon.. get with the Show and Tell already. It's boring in February!

You wanna borrow my camera?

Dobovedo said...

Oh.. and I mean the gear. Not the hives.

Bryan Hellard said...

I think I'm too lazy to attempt to find my camera.