Monday, February 16, 2009

Seeing red

My body is rebelling against me for some reason. Around 10-15 percent of my body is covered in hives or some such shit. Luckily, other than being one itchy bastard, I feel fine. I reviewed my diet (in the loosest sense of the word) and have had nothing out of the ordinary since way before these hives started. For some reason I think it's stress.

I'm trying not to let it affect training, but when sweat hits a spot that I've stupidly scratched too much.....oy vey. This weekend is the last of the indoor time trials and we'll see how that goes. I'm now needing to ramp up my time on the bike because the season is about to begin. Depending on weather/schedule/itchyness I may do a road race on February 28th. If not, the season really begins with the mid March training camp - which I hope due to schedule that I can attend - and the spring series soon after.

As for the Tour of California, it was odd watching a Woman's circuit race instead yesterday.

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