Monday, March 3, 2008

Race (and TT) #4

Mid Ohio was canceled due to the weather so the only race for me this weekend was the final indoor time trial of the series. My time and wattage closely replicated my January effort. Not that that's a good thing. I was told that most people were running slower - what is it about computrainers that does that?

After I got home, the weather was nice enough to get an actual outdoor ride in. Of course, I had to put on a fresh rear Kenda as the old one was now a slick from all the trainer time. Even though the wind was blowing me around, it was nice to get out and hit the pavement for once. Since the breeze was coming in from the south, the ride north along the newly paved (last year) section of Peter's Pike was awesome. I love the stretch between Old Springfield and Evanston. Actually, I love the section starting at Dog Leg and National, heading north on Dog Leg. The "Yield" right turn onto Old Springfield is fast, then there's really no need to stop for the left turn onto Peter's. This is where I do my 20 minute time trial intervals - one of the few places I can ride for 20 minutes without having to stop for traffic.

Speaking (typing?) of time trials, the next Colavita TT is this Saturday. That will make 5 time trials before I get an actual road race in. The Saturday after that is Team Columbus' version of the Hueston Woods road race - I guess that will be my first road race of 2008.

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