Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Dropped is what you get when you ride sick

Due to this intestinal thing I have going on right now, I've lost 6 pounds since Saturday night and can't keep food down. For some reason, I thought it was a good idea to do a hard group ride last night. After 8 days off the bike in Peru and not being able to ride much over the weekend because of my stomach, I still thought it was a good idea. I rode the 8 miles to the start point for a warm up then stayed at the back of the group for as much of the ride as I could (about 18 of the 24 miles). Turned away early and rode home for a 2 hour ride of 36 miles or so. Sunday, all I could do was 15 miles and Saturday all I could handle was 30 minutes on the trainer due to cramping, etc. I won't go into what "etc." means at this time.

The stomach is still in knots and it's debatable whether or not if I will eat today. Then again, the first Tuesday criterium is tonight in Harveysburg, and I plan to be there.

Stupid is as stupid does and usually stupid gets dropped.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wondered what happened to you on the Cow Hill.. you were doing fine up until that point, although we were both competing for the last place in line. LOL.

MAN, GET SOME REST!!!!!!! I'm supposed to be the stupid one; the one who makes everybody else look brilliant by comparison.