Tuesday, May 27, 2008

''Keep your helmet hard''

I was yelled this today on my ride by some teen girl, who was riding of course, without a helmet. To many rebuttals came to mind:

'Keep your trash white'

'You're lowering my property value' (as I was less than one mile from home)


But all I said was an unenthusiastic "yeah".

With the weather looking bad down south via satellite, I skipped the training crit and rode my TT bike instead for some fun. Fun being intervals.

As I'm typing this, I am reminded on why I freaking hate living in a subdivision. Door to door sales! This time it was a kid selling coupons. On the farm I lived on for 10 years prior to moving here, NO ONE came to my door. That's the way I like it. Leave me alone! It wouldn't be so bad if my dogs didn't go ballistic at the sound of a doorbell.

Now that my train of thought is long gone...Oh, now I remember. I was going to launch into a diatribe about helmet usage. In the last 4 years I've had 3 concussions and 6 bike wrecks. You won't see me without one. Do what you want, but I'm wearing a lid and keeping it hard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm 1000' off the street and although we get the occasional religious pamphlet pushing yahoos who will walk down the drive, we've had a total of zero trick or treaters in three years. I don't know if the kids are afraid to come down or if they're smart enough to stick with the houses that are closer together and optimize the loot gathering. My guess is it's fear more than brains. In my day though, we went for the maximum value in the minimum time.

"keep yer helmet hard". hilarious.