Friday, September 26, 2008

wine vs whine

In my second departure from the topic of cycling, I will discuss whining while enjoying a glass of wine.

Blogs are funny. Blogs are stupid. Rarely is a blog enlightening. Mainly it seems that blogs are for people to whine about (whatever). I have about 35 blogs saved as bookmarks and just spent the better part of a half hour checking each one. They are all listed under "cycling blogs" because they are all bike riders of some shape or size. One guy decided a while back to quit racing for whatever reason. That's cool, but he's turned his blog into a cry-fest about his job and the government. Complaints about how his life/job sucks and how CEO's are making too much money, etc. and how Republicans are basically the devil incarnate (blame game). People like this fucking irritate me to no end. It's like he wants to go through life with his 9-5 job, have a house, 2.5 kids, a dog and have no worries in the world. Well, guess what? People have hardships. In this day and age, it's "tough out there" for everyone. It's up to you to rise above your own personal issues, get over it and fix your problem. Problems don't get solved by whining about them. Especially on the internet.

Sorry for my whine about whining. I just don't get people who "blog" about not having a fair shake in their own life. If you are healthy enough to work and wealthy enough to afford a roof, electricity, a computer AND have the free time to write your thoughts on a damned internet web log, then your life is better than about 95% of the world's population. Suck it up, cupcake.

Good Lord, it seems that two days off the bike may be too much for me! Good thing I'm riding tomorrow. See you on the road.


Dobovedo said...

hey! quit talkin' about me!

vclune said...

I am gaining a new appreciation for you!

vclune said...

Although I just noticed you have a link for cheeseburgers on your list. Not good

Dobovedo said...

I realize they are a sponsor, but agree with Vince; DONUTS are way better than burgers!